
Our Story

Our Story

The story on how we started

My Why


Shar Pazand
Founder, Citygirl at Work

Citygirl at Work was originally started as a coworking space to have entrepreneurs and freelancers gather and feel comfortable learning, growing, meeting others, and - letting people just be themselves.

As I met more entrepreneurs, I realized many have the same struggles. How do you market yourself so people know you exist? How do you create a brand identity that shows the world who you are? How do you do it all? Enter: Citygirl at Work. I’m here to help my clients find gain access to the right tools and skills and find the right team to help them find their ideal clients.

I’m really passionate about a few things: People, business ideas/strategy, dreaming, love, and helping others find their why. Why do we get up to do what we do every day? What allows us to dream and continue to reach for the sky? What is our purpose in life and how to we find it and hold on and grow it? How do we do everything with love? I’m so lucky that in my daily life I get to meet people like you and work with you to help create more amazing things in this world together.

I invite you to learn more about our what Citygirl at Work can help with. If you have any questions, contact me and I'll reach out to you personally.

To dreams and to putting love into everything that you do,